Biscuit Series: Homemade Oreos

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I was listening to a podcast with Oprah (Queen) and Amy Schumer and they were discussing body confidence and insecurities and it got me thinking, why do we put so much pressure on ourselves as woman to portray what is deemed ‘perfect’. It’s so tiring constantly striving to be a perfect size 10, constantly being on a diet, self criticising for setting goals which are unobtainable and we naturally don’t achieve because not everyone is meant to look the same. I thought back to when I was really little and even then the people around me in life and in the media were drumming into us that we need to be waif like in order to be happy. I’m just starting to think that that’s a load of crap! Think about how strong your body is, how strong you are in your snug size whatevers. Your body has carried you through everyday without fail, brought you through difficult times whether it be emotional or physical, you made it in the body you have. So stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be this perfect being, have confidence in who YOU are and enjoy your life. Be Happy. Be Healthy.

This brings me onto my next and final recipe in my biscuit series: Homemade Oreo’s. In South Africa the Oreo’s advert was of this kid and his dog out in the back yard and the kid would go ‘first your twist it, then you lick in, then you dunk it’. It was an American advert so some of you may have got it too? So now every time I eat an Oreo I think of that kid and his dog. These are super easy to make and very moreish!


Homemade Oreos                                                                               makes 20-30 biscuits


For the biscuits

160g Flour

125g Sugar

60g Cocoa powder

1tsp Bicarbonate soda

1/4tsp Baking powder

Pinch salt

60g Butter, Softened

1 Egg

For the filling

120g Butter, Softened

240g Icing sugar

2tsp Vanilla extract


For the biscuits

  • Mix together the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate soda, salt and sugar in a bowl.
  • In a separate bowl cream the butter then add the egg and incorporate fully.
  • Gradually incorporate the dry mixture into the wet mixture and mix until it forms a dough. TIP: if the dough is a bit dry, add some water a little bit at a time until you are happy with the consistency.
  • Place the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  • Preheat the oven to 180°C (360°F)
  • On a floured surface, roll the dough out to about 1/2 cm thick. Using a cookie cutter, cut out the biscuits and place them on a greaseproof paper lined baking sheet. Make sure you make an even amount of biscuits.
  • Bake for 10 minutes until the biscuits are crisp entirely.
  • Leave to cool completely before forming the sandwiches.

For the filling

  • Cream together the butter and vanilla before gradually adding in the icing sugar. Beat until light and fluffy.
  • You can either then pipe the filling into the centre of the cooled biscuit or use a teaspoon to dollop on a small amount before taking another biscuit and pressing gently down to create your Oreo.


I hope you have enjoyed my biscuit series, let me know if there are any other series you would be interested in reading about.

Have an amazing weekend!




Biscuit Series: Flourless Chocolate Biscuits

Hi Everyone,

Wow what a weekend we’ve had. The weather in the UK has been phenomenal and with great weather comes loads of good food and drink. On Saturday, Charles and I celebrated Cinco de Mayo and while we have no Mexican heritage we love Mexican food and it was such a great opportunity to try out some more Chrissy recipes from the Cravings cookbook: Pepper’s hot green pepper sauce, Cheesy guacamole, Roasted jalapeno and chorizo queso and Pan charred fish tacos. Such great food and we ate far too much!


So, after such a heavy foodie weekend, it seems only right to follow it up with these gooey Flourless Chocolate Biscuits. They’re gluten free, and oozy like a brownie biscuits and what’s better, they only has 6 ingredients! SO SIMPLE!!

Flourless Chocolate Biscuits                                                  Makes 6 giant biscuits or 12 small ones


180g Icing sugar, sifted

35g Cocoa powder, sifted

Pinch salt

3tbsp Vegetable oil

1tsp Vanilla extract

100g Dark chocolate, roughly chopped


  • Pre-heat oven to 180°C (360°F)
  • Sift together the icing sugar, cocoa powder and salt, then stirring together until combined.
  • Add the vanilla extract and oil to the icing sugar mixture and stir until fully incorporated. You should have a glossy mixture.
  • Fold in the dark chocolate.
  • Scoop the mixture into biscuit shaped dollops on a greaseproof paper lined baking sheet, leaving enough space between each biscuit as they will spread.
  • Bake for 20 minutes for large biscuits or 12-14 minutes for smaller biscuits. They are ready when the tops and glossy and have started to crack.
  • Allow to cool completely before removing from the baking sheet.


These are fool proof, anyone can make them and they taste incredible. I also added a sprinkle of salt to the tops of the biscuits, this really enhances the chocolate flavour. Let me know if you want me to add calorie information to my recipes going forward, just something I’ve been toying with.

Stay tuned tomorrow, I have a delicious vegan biscuit recipe to share!
